Surprisingly beautiful....suprisingly welcoming....Afghanistan

Afghanistan is a mystery to most Americans, a place of fear and terror.  The reality is that it is one of the most beautiful and welcoming countries I have ever been to, in spite of all its ongoing problems.  My name is Michael Luongo and I am a travel writer and photographer who has been to more than 80 countries and all 7 continents.  No place in the world however has stayed in my heart like Afghanistan.  After 9-11 and photographing within Ground Zero, I felt I had to go to Afghanistan to better understand what happened to my own country and to comprehend why, when we neglect parts of the world, it only comes back to haunt us.  Over the past few years, I have visited many times, photographing in Kabul, Mazar, Kandahar, Bamiyan, Tora-Bora, Jalalabad, Herat and many other locations.  This site is still in progress, and more photos are to come.  Please also visit my main site:

Click on photos for captions and also below are links to some of my articles on Afghanistan.  My work on this fascinating country has appeared in the New York Times, Bloomberg News, Women's e-News, Conde Nast Traveler, New York Press, FilmMaker Magazine, Gay City News, Out Traveler, and many other publications and websites.


The New York Times:  Business Travel to Kabul

FilmMaker Magazine: Filmmaking in Afghanistan


New York Press – Afghanistan